Support from Above for the realisation of the Lord's Grace for fulfilment of your requests, desires and intentions

Portia, Goddess of Divine Justice

18 August 2010
Updated by Beloved Portia on 04 November 2020

I AM Portia.

Today, I would like to highlight a few points that will facilitate both your work on the transmutation of your negative karma into Light and the fulfilment of your desires that correspond to God’s Will and the Lord's Providence for you.

Talking to you on this topic is necessary because I see how many of you strive to implement the guidance given by us, but the desired result escapes you. For example, you write a letter to the Karmic Board, describe your wishes and requests, make a commitment to work in spirituality, and during the next three months, you do it*. At first glance, everything seems wonderful, and from your point of view, everything is done correctly. However, three things may interfere with achieving a positive result.

The first thing is when you do everything you have taken as a commitment, but you miss some days during those three months, so you decide to catch up and make double the amount due on other days.

Beloved, this is contrary to the Divine Law! The pressure on the scale pan with your desire against the pan with your karma – pressure that results in fulfilling the duty accepted by you, needs to be stable and steady. Thus, the Divine Law of Harmony is observed, and the energy flows smoothly and in constant flux.

Any disharmonious manifestations, such as interruption of the implementation of the commitment voluntarily accepted by yourself for whatever personal reasons or manifestations of the illusion and your illusory part, disturb the established connection between the worlds and the transmutation of your negative karmic records. Think about it – would you be able to ever weigh a product on the scales if you constantly shake the dishes up and down?

You need to work off and implement the Divine qualities of Constancy, Determination and Self-discipline.

The second thing is when you fulfil your commitment exactly as you have assumed it, day after day, without any omission, but while carrying it out, you are distracted, your thoughts are somewhere in the illusion around you, and your feelings as well.

During your daily Service, your thoughts need to be entirely focused on what you are doing, and you have to be full of Bright feelings only – such as Joy, Gratitude and Divine Love. Then your soul rejoices, feels the grace of Divine Love streaming from our world towards your being, and thanks the Heavenly Father.

Otherwise, regardless of how diligently you perform your duty, it is like trying very diligently to weigh some flour and pouring it every day but just outside the scale pan. Would you be able to weigh it? And you expect a positive result of your daily and monthly effort, and you are disappointed when the result is missing.

And third – when you correctly execute the commitments assumed by you, and your daily Service is of good quality, there is one more point that you need to gradually work off in your life as much and as fast as possible, as then, your requests and desires are fulfilled with a higher speed.

That is making the right decisions from the Divine point of view and undertaking the right deeds from the Divine point of view in every situation of your life in this incarnation. Then, you will stop accumulating new negative karma that would consistently prevail in the other pan of the scales and hinder the implementation of your aspirations.

I know that everything I just told you will make you think over the information again and again, deeply, and I am internally satisfied. I believe that you are prepared enough to hear these words of mine, and besides hearing them, you can take steps to remedy the situation you are in.

And I want to tell you that discouragement is an utterly illusory manifestation. I advise you to stop manifesting it! We are also constantly reminding you that We all – the Higher Beings of Light, are with you, ready to support you in your efforts
blue-dotwhen they are focused in the right direction,
blue-dotmade with the right motive,
blue-dotand are in accordance with the Will of the Father One.

Many of you have already had moments in which they tangibly felt our help and intervention after calling us.

Have Faith! Only take obligations that bring you Joy when you perform them, you do them easily and without feeling them like a burden. And gradually, day by day, you will notice how your daily Service is improving, and the positive results will soon occur. Then, you will only need to rejoice even more at the Divine Transfiguration within you, thank God and the Father and give them your Divine Love!

Today, I am giving you an invocation to support you or help you so that your Service is of high quality and you properly direct the energy of the invocations, prayers, World-formulas, and other spiritual practices that you use to decrease your negative karma on the scales, and the time will come when the scales will be tilted in favour and in fulfilment of the Divine Mercy for which you are praying.

The invocation below is a good beginning of any work in spirituality:

Lord, I …… (the first name)
invite, sincerely wish and ask, if this is Your Will,
help me to strengthen the qualities of
Concentration of my thoughts on the Higher octaves of Light and
Concentration of my feelings on experiencing
Joy, Gratitude and Divine Love to You, Lord,
during my Service here and now,
which I am doing for the realisation of Your Providence.
May all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!
Thank You, Lord, for Your help!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!

In conclusion, I will just add that I will be sincerely pleased if you direct your desires and daily spiritual practices to the acquisition of Divine qualities and Divine virtues and to acquiring the Lord’s Grace both for yourself and for all people with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!



* Since the summer solstice of 2012, according to the new Lord’s Mercy announced by Master Saint Germain in His Message given on 12 May 2012, writing letters to the Karmic Board and taking obligations for the fulfilment of your requests and desires can now be done once every three months instead of once every six months, as it was before.