A recommendation to my disciples

Lord Maitreya

16 April 2011
Updated by Lord Maitreya on 02 October 2021

I AM Maitreya.

Whenever I come to the planet RAIMA (Earth), each time I re-discover its beauty. And once again, when I came to give this Message, I was surprised that most of the humanity is untroubled and continues to contribute to its destruction. At the same time, I can see the efforts of those few of you who are trying to give your best in all that you can do to help, and I am joyful for you. For your sake, the material plane of the planet deserves to survive.

Today, I have come to tell you that although many of those who received my blessing a few years ago and stepped on the Path of Initiations did not pass, now in my school of Mysteries, there are new students again. And now I appeal to all my disciples.

Each one of you feels within himself and knows he has stepped on the Path of Initiations. You have expressed your desire to accelerate your evolutionary development, and I gave my consent for you to begin your training with me. I myself select my disciples very rigorously, and many who wished were not allowed. And therefore, you – my disciples, are few, but you are determined.

I would like to give you a recommendation regarding your life in the illusion of the material world, as well as your discipleship with me.

Buy a notebook and start to write in it every evening about what brought Joy to you during the day and thank God and the Lord for your joyful experience and give them your Divine Love. You need to find at least one thing to record.

Then, write down the trial you had during the day that upset your balance, and once again thank God and the Lord for what happened and give them your Divine Love.

Finally, ask for help from the Forces of Light next time in a similar situation when you lose your balance again to manage to:
blue-dotimmediately remember about your desire to be my disciple, and
blue-dotthank me for the exam through which you are passing, and
blue-dottry to be in Balance and Harmony again as quickly as possible and manifest your Divine qualities and Virtues at this moment, just when you find it most difficult.

Those of you who follow my advice and do it right, showing zeal and self-discipline, increase their chances to continue their training with me in the future.

I know that there are Souls who have come in incarnation to go specifically through this training. These Souls could successfully pass it and join those who bear their Service to the Living Life for the implementation of our Father’s Providence for this world.

I AM Maitreya, your Teacher.