Instruction for the front team of light bearers

Master Saint Germain

10 August 2011

I AM Saint Germain. I have come today to announce with great joy the results of my last call to you – the Light Souls aspired to God. I have received the letters which you wrote to me, beloved, in which you expressed your desire to join the front team as volunteers, and practically implement the Divine norms of behaviour in all areas of life based on the Divine Guidance.

I want to tell you that these letters are enough for this moment. Those of you who have taken this upon yourselves are really enough to start the necessary changes. And after some time, this process will accelerate. And it will be accelerating and intensifying like an avalanche.

Beloved, however difficult it is, you with your actions now are those who little by little, day after day, are helping the Golden Age set in sooner with every positive thought, feeling and word, with every righteous deed.

We in the Higher octaves are ready for the changes. We are given all the energy necessary for their implementation. This energy is like a sea of Living water, which is located high up on the mountain top. And all the humankind is down in the desert. And to reach your world, the water in this sea is looking for a gap in the thick layer of waste that you have been accumulating for centuries.

Well, now the team willing to help all the evolutions on the planet Earth is formed. You have already rushed up and started the clearing. And your most powerful tools are your Faith and Hope for a Bright future, for the Golden Age, which is to come for the peoples on the Earth, your Divine Love and your Aspiration and Positivity.

I'll explain it figuratively. Your positive thoughts, feelings and words, as well as your right actions from God’s point of view, carried out in accordance with God's Commandments and Laws, are the instruments that transmute everything negative and illusory around you and thin the layer of the obstacle that separates you from the Life-giving water.

And now it depends on the persistence and diligence of your team, on all of you, how quickly the moment of the breakthrough will come when the water will flow into your world. Initially, a narrow slit will form, and the water will drip at first, and then it will trickle.

It is exactly this moment that I have come to give you my guidance on. I have come to point out the exceptional importance of this moment!

You, who are in the slot, will be the first to take in from the Divine stream of water, and your thirst will be quenched, you will become strong and powerful, and then the time will come for you to demonstrate exceptional self-discipline to continue your work without being distracted by anything else, and without wasting your strength and power in the old world.

Because just a little more joint work will be required of you in the indicated direction to pierce the layer of the negative energies of your world, and the Living water will flow in like a mighty stream, sweeping away everything illusory on its way. It will saturate all thirsty souls and give them the strength to join the work as well – each of them at his place – to dig channels through which the water can reach every corner of the whole Earth.

And then with the help of as many workers as possible, who will be joining your team all the time in the future, the planet will flourish, it will transform, and the Golden Age will come into existence! And this will happen only when we combine our efforts with yours in a united whole!

I and the other Ascended Beings of Light are ready to guide you and support you, constantly pouring additional knowledge, strength and power in you. We are already doing it, and I am sure many of you can feel it. And that will intensify in parallel with the efforts applied by you in the right direction.

I AM Saint Germain; I support you in your work, and I expect with hope that many more awakened souls will join you very soon!