First morning Ministry Invocations for tuning before starting any work in Spirituality Invocations for Support and Help in specific occasions
Evening Ministry before going to bed Invocations during the Ministry Explanations to Invocations and Word-formulas

First morning Ministry


blue-dotSetting up the connection with the Central Sun

blue-dotInvocation to Archangel Michael for protection at any time

blue-dotWord-formula for transformation of any fear into Light

blue-dotHelp to reside in Joy, Peace and Harmony

blue-dotDirecting the energy from the Ministry towards the Higher octaves of Light (general)

blue-dotDirecting the energy from the Ministry towards the Higher octaves of Light (when the Ministry is dedicated to something specific)

blue-dotWord-formula for helping the planet and the Living Life on it

blue-dotWord-formula of Gratitude to the Father One which elevates in the Spirit

blue-dotWord-formula for Divine multiplication of Gratitude

blue-dotWord-formula for Divine multiplication of Divine Love

blue-dotInvocation the Higher Self

blue-dotGiving Respect, Gratitude and Divine Love to the parents

blue-dotBlessing of a parent to his children

blue-dotWord-formula for Divine multiplication of Diligence and Love for work

blue-dotHelp before beginning any kind of work

blue-dotPreservation and Divine multiplication of good karma

blue-dotBlessing for protection from the forces of the illusion

Setting up the connection with the Central Sun
Lord Surya

Lord, I ...... (the first name) invite, sincerely wish and ask You:

help me for the activation of the crystal string

which connects my heart with the Central Sun today

during my spiritual work and during Karma-yoga – my work in materiality, which I am doing in Joy and with Divine Love!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank you, Lord, for the help!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!


Invocation to Archangel Michael for protection at any time

Archangel Michael in front.

Archangel Michael behind.

Archangel Michael to the right.

Archangel Michael to the left.

Archangel Michael above.

Archangel Michael below.

Archangel Michael inside me.

Archangel Michael, be everywhere with me!

Archangel Michael, watch over me, guard me and help me to be careful with what I do so that I am without sinning, and the forces of the illusion are without any reason to harm me!

Archangel Michael, also watch over all the other Living, Bright, Pure Souls,

guard them and help them to watch what they do so that they are without sinning, too!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank you, Archangel Michael, for the help!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love!



Explanation to the invocation

Word-formula for transformation of any fear into Light
Archangel Michael, 8 November 2010

I am brave!

I am very brave!

Anything anywhere is safe for me and harmless for me!

God's Power and Fire reside in me, and

Lord's Power and Fire reside in me!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank You, Lord, for Your help, support and protection for me!

I also thank You, Archangel Michael, for this Word-formula and for the help!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love!

(Deep bow to You!)



You may say this Word-formula at any time and place, providing you are alone and covered (see Five Rules-Guidelines on the protection of Purity - Removed document), and repeat it as many times as you wish and feel the need to say it according to the situation.

Help to reside in Joy, Peace and Harmony
Archangel Gabriel, 19 November 2010

Archangel Gabriel, I ...... (the first name)

invite, sincerely wish and ask,

help me to be constantly in Joy, Peace and Harmony

regardless of everything that happens to me and around me!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank You, Archangel Gabriel,

that I am constantly in Joy, Peace and Harmony!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love!



Explanation to the invocation

Directing the energy from the Ministry towards the Higher octaves of Light (general)

Lord, I give You the energy from this Ministry of mine,

use it according to Your Will, dear Heavenly Father!

May all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank You, Lord, that everything You do

is the best from Your point of view regarding everyone!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!


Directing the energy from the Ministry towards the Higher octaves of Light
(when the Ministry is dedicated to something specific)

Lord, I invite, sincerely wish and ask

the energy from this Ministry* of mine to be directed and used:

for the implementation of Your Providence, dear Father One,

for the Welfare of Your whole Creation and the Living Life in it,**

for the salvation of my home planet and the Living Life on it,

for the salvation and the successful further

evolutionary development of the humankind,

for the salvation and the successful progress forward on the Path to You, Father,

of all Living, Bright, Pure Souls incarnated here and now,

for ........................... ***

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!




* of the Work in Spirituality that I am starting…

** Explanation to the invocation

*** If your Ministry is dedicated to helping in something specific, you should say it here.

Word-formula for helping the planet and the Living Life on it
(including people of all nations in the world who are part of the Living Life))

May the Living Life prosper in all Times, Time, Halftime and afterwards!

May the Living Life prosper in all Times, Time, Halftime and afterwards!

May the Living Life prosper in all Times, Time, Halftime and afterwards!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank You, Lord, for everything now!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!


Word-formula of Gratitude to the Father One which elevates in the Spirit

Thank You, Lord, for yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Thank You, Lord, for everything that is happening!

Thank You, Lord, for everything now and always, and in all Times, Time, Halftime and afterwards!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!


Word-formula for Divine multiplication of Gratitude
Lord Shiva, 3 August 2013, and Presence of the One, 29 December 2016

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

With all my heart and Soul

I thank You, Dear Father One,

I thank You, dear Heavenly Father – Lord Alpha,

and I thank You, my dear Higher Self,

for your help to me every night and every day,

wherever I am, here and now, in all Times, Time, Halftime and afterwards!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love!

(Deep bow to You!)

Word-formula for Divine multiplication of Divine Love,
Presence of the One, 8 October 2011

I Love You, Lord, dear Heavenly Father!

I Love You, my Beloved Master on the subtle plane from the Hierarchy of Light!

I Love You, my dear Higher Self!

I Love You all, dear brothers and sisters in the Higher octaves –

Heavenly Masters from the Hierarchy of Light!

I Love you, all angels and Archangels from the entire Heavenly Angelic Hierarchy of Light!

I Love You, all elementals here on the planet Earth!

I Love You, Mother Earth!

I Love You, all Living beings – inhabitants of all the kingdoms on the Earth,

on all planes of Existence!

I am sending my purest Divine Love to all of You,

and I thank You that we are one whole!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank You, Lord,

for this Word-formula and for the help!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!


Invocation to the Higher Self

My dear Higher Self,

be with me throughout the whole day today

at the highest possible completeness of your presence in my lower bodies

and help me to preserve their purity!


My dear Higher Self,

I ...... (the first name) invite, sincerely wish and ask,

take under your direct control all my thoughts, feelings, words and actions

so that they are kind, goodfruitful and

full of Joy, Light and Divine Love!


My dear Higher Self,

I ...... (the first name) invite, sincerely wish and ask you

to act through me throughout the whole day today,

to guide my life so that it is 100% in the Light network!


And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!



Thank You, my dear Higher Self, that you are helping me so much!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love!


Giving Respect, Gratitude and Divine Love to the parents
Presence of the One, 8 October 2011

Thank you, dear mom and dad, that you created me and gave me a body

to come in this world, in this embodiment of mine, here and now.

I am sending my Gratitude and Divine Love to you with all my heart!

I …… (the first name)

invite, sincerely wish and ask you, if such is your will,

to Bless me and help me throughout the day today

to stay on the Path to the Father and successfully follow it forward!

My dear mom and dad, thank you for your blessing to me and for your help!

I Bless you to reside in complete purity of all your bodies

and to successfully continue your evolutionary development

in the network of Light

and your service to the Living Live!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!



Thank You, Lord, for these Words and for the help!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!


Blessing of a parent to his/her children
(Blessing of the forefather to his/her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren...)
Lordess Pallas Athena, 19 June 2012

Lord, I ...... (the first name)

bless my son … (the name) and his wife … (the name),

and their children – my grandchildren … (the names),

together with their husbands and wives … (the names)

and their children – my great-grandchildren … (the names),

and I bless my daughter … (the name) and her husband … (the name),

and their children – my grandchildren … (the names),

together with their husbands and wives … (the names)

and their children – my great-grandchildren … (the names)

with the following Blessing:


I bless them with my mother's/ father's Blessing

blue-dotto progress on the Path towards the Father,

blue-dotto abide in the New Order of the Divine


Wisdom, Balance and Harmony,

Truth, Rightness and Good,

Faith, Hope and Love,

Joy, Peace and Freedom,

Grace, Gentleness and Kindness,

Acceptance, Honesty and Valour

blue-dotand to reside in complete Purity of all their bodies, at all levels!


I bless them the Lord's Holy Will to be for them today!

I bless them to get the best

according to the Providence from Above for them in their lives from now on!

I bless them their actions to be goodfruitful from the Lord's point of view into and for the planet's Light network!

I bless each of them to complete the Mission of their life plan successfully and continue successfully their evolution in the network of Light and their Service for the Wellbeing of the Living Live!

I bless them, and I give them my mother’s/father's Love to help the realisation of my blessing!


I also give my Gratitude and Divine Love to You, Lord!

I …… (the first name) invite, sincerely wish and ask, dear Father One,

if such is Your Will, to multiply this mother's/ father's Blessing of mine!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank You, dear Father One, that You are helping me and my child/children so much!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!



Explanation to the Blessing

Word-formula for Divine multiplication of
Diligence and Love for work
Lordess Pallas Athena, May 2013

I am diligent, I love my work!

I am very diligent, I love my work a lot!

Thank You, Lord, that you are helping me

and I am even more diligent and love my work even more,

and I create better and better fruits in the Light network!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!

May all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!


Invocation for help before beginning any kind of work
Lordess Pallas Athena, May 2013

Lord, I ...... (the first name) invite, sincerely wish and ask,

help me to feel Joy from each type of work

that gives good fruit in the network of Light,

whenever I work

and for as long as I work!

And help me to restore quickly,

to transform my tiredness into new strength

and be ready to work again with quality,

in Joy, in the greatest Gratitude and with Divine Love!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank You, Lord, for the help!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!


Preservation and Divine multiplication of good karma*

Lord, I give You my Gratitude and Divine Love,

and I give You my good karma

from all thoughts, feelings, words and deeds from today

that are kind and right from Your point of view,

and I thank You that I am here and now

and for Your help to serve You in the best way!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!




* On the 23rd day of each month, instead of using this invocation, it would be better to say 'Invocation for transmutation of the negative karma of the whole next month 100% into Light and transmutation of the harmful programmes, encodings and blockages and their harmful fruit and consequences 100% into Light'.

Blessing for protection from the forces of the illusion
(which anyone can use to bless him/herself)*
Presence of the One, 24 September 2014

I .............. (the first name) bless myself:
blue-dotto be as successful as possible in my work today,

which is assisted and supported by the Forces of Light

and entirely goodfruitful in the network of Light,

and to create Divine patterns everywhere!
blue-dotto have the best and perfect protection against the forces of the illusion

so that they are without any access

to me at all levels, in all my four lower bodies, to my thoughts and feelings, words and deeds

here and now and always – in all Times, Time, Halftime and afterwards!

All that is negative and illusory to run away from me

and from the Fire of the Light that powerfully streams from me

in all the minutes, hours and days!
blue-dotto constantly reside in Divine:

Light, Wisdom, Power and Love, Joy, Peace and Harmony

and to thank the Father

for everything that happens whenever and wherever!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!



Thank You, Lord, for this Blessing and for the help!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One!



below line

* With this blessing, we could bless someone else who needs help and requests it, as well as several people simultaneously. Then, we need to say their names at the beginning and use the words of the blessing accordingly, for instance, instead of 'my work' to say 'your work' (if the person that we bless is in front of us) or 'his/her work' or 'our work', 'their work' respectively.