Guidance from Lady Master Nada

given on 21 September 2020


I AM Nada.

Beloved children of Light,

I have come to tell you how important it is for each of you in whom the fire of the Living Life is burning and whose Souls have been Bright since their very creation and have preserved their Purity, to keep being in the future always so Living, Bright and Pure! This is your most important job, with the highest priority, throughout all the Times, Time and Halftime ahead! It is even more valuable when both your family partner and your children have Living, Bright and Pure Souls.

Because only by being with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, you can pass through the Portal of the Great Transition to the New World of the 6th human race when the time comes. And in this world, which the Father One has ordained, created and already prepared and is waiting for the time to come for you to inhabit it, for your family to grow and multiply there!

Achieving this goal requires you to make an effort in the times in which you are living here and now so that every one of you:
blue-dotis fruitful in all his thoughts, feelings, words and deeds,
blue-dotabides in Joy, Peace and Harmony and in Harmony, Peace and Joy, and in Divine Love and
blue-dottakes care of being Healthy in Spirit, Soul and body.

Regarding your children, I want to tell you that it is very good to give them as much work as possible every day! Both parents, and grandparents, too! The more children work, the better! Do it gradually so that without feeling it, they constantly work on something that is appropriate for their age. The most important thing is for them to work with you at the same time and to be involved in your field of joyful work. All of you should do the chores in the household in laughter and merriment, and then you should play with the children. Make your life together interesting and joyful.

I AM Nada, with confidence in your abilities, self-discipline and diligence, as you do this work with the highest priority that I have told you about so far because it is an important part of the Mission of this incarnation of yours!