First morning Ministry Invocations for tuning before starting any work in Spirituality Invocations for Support and Help in specific occasions
Evening Ministry before going to bed Invocations during the Ministry Explanations to Invocations and Word-formulas

Evening Ministry before going to bed


blue-dotSetting up the connection with the Central Sun, Lord Surya

blue-dotInvocation to Archangel Michael for Protection at any time

blue-dotInvocation for directing the energy from the Ministry towards the Higher octaves of Light (general)

blue-dotInvocation for directing the energy from the Ministry towards the Higher octaves of Light (when the Ministry is dedicated to something specific)

blue-dotWord-formula for elevation of the consciousness

blue-dotWord-formula for helping the planet Earth and the Living Life on it

blue-dotWord of Gratitude towards Mother Earth

blue-dotInvocation for preservation and Divine multiplication of the good karma

blue-dotInvocation to Archangel Michael and the Angels of Protection before going to sleep at night

blue-dotInvocation to Archangel Raphael and the Angels-Healers before going to sleep at night (when a person needs to be healed)

Setting up the connection with the Central Sun
Lord Surya

Lord, I .... (the first name), invite, sincerely wish and ask

to be activated the action of the crystal string

that connects my heart with the Central Sun during the night.

May all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank you, Lord, for this invocation and the help!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Invocation to Archangel Michael for protection at any time

Archangel Michael in front.

Archangel Michael behind.

Archangel Michael to the right.

Archangel Michael to the left.

Archangel Michael above.

Archangel Michael below.

Archangel Michael inside me.

Archangel Michael, be everywhere with me!

Archangel Michael, watch over me, guard me and help me to be careful with what I do so that I am without sinning, and the forces of the illusion are without any reason to harm me!

Archangel Michael, also watch over all the other Living, Bright, Pure Souls,

guard them and help them to watch what they do so that they are without sinning, too!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank you, Archangel Michael, for the help!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love!



Explanation to the invocation

Invocation for directing the energy from the Ministry towards the Higher octaves of Light (general)

Lord, I give You the energy from this Ministry of mine,

use it according to Your Will, dear Heavenly Father!

May all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Invocation for directing the energy from the Ministry towards the Higher octaves of Light (when the Ministry is dedicated to something specific)

Lord, I invite, sincerely wish and ask

the energy from this Ministry* of mine to be directed and used

for the implementation of Your Providence,

for the welfare of Your whole Creation and the Living Live in it,**

for the salvation of my home planet Earth and the Living Life on it,

for the salvation and the successful further

evolutionary development of the humankind,

for the salvation and the successful progress forward on the Path to the Father

of all Bright souls incarnated here and now,

for ........................... ***

For all this I thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!




* of these invocations / prayers / Blessings / Messages / meditation …

** Explanation to the invocation

*** If your Ministry is dedicated to helping in something specific, you should say it here.

Word-formula for elevation of the consciousness

Thank You, Lord, for yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Thank You, Lord, for yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Thank You, Lord, for yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I thank You and Love You with all my heart and soul!

Word-formula for helping the planet Earth and the Living Life on it
(including people of all nations in the world
who are part of the Living Life)

May the Living Life prosper forever and ever!

May the Living Life prosper forever and ever!

May the Living Life prosper forever and ever!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!


Thank You, Lord, for everything!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Word of Gratitude towards Mother Earth

Dear Mother Earth!

I am giving you my Divine Love, and I Thank You

for giving a shelter and everything that is necessary

to all people who are part of the Living Life,

so that we live, grow and perfect ourselves in God

in this incarnation, here and now.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Invocation for preservation and Divine multiplication of the good karma*

Lord, I give to You my Gratitude and Divine Love,

and I give You my good karma

from all my kind and right from Your point of view

thoughts, feelings, words and deeds during the night,

and I thank You for the opportunity to be here and now

and to serve You in the best way!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!




* On the evening of 22nd before the 23rd day each month, instead of using this invocation, it would be better to say 'Invocation for transmuting the negative karma for the whole next month.'

Invocation before going to sleep at night
to Archangel Michael and the Angels of Protection*

Archangel Michael, I ...... (the first name)

invite, sincerely wish and ask You

to send me some of Your Angels of Protection

to protect me during the night and as soon as I fall asleep,

to accompany me to the Higher Heavenly octaves of Light,

(and when a person needs to be healed, here he should say the following:

'in the health centres of Archangel Raphael and the Angels-Healers,')

to accompany me back when I wake up in the morning,

as well as every time I wake up and fall asleep during the night

so that my protection is constantly perfect

on all planes of the Existence.


And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!



Thank You, Lord Michael, and Thank You, Angels of Protection!

Thank You with all my heart and soul! Thank You! Thank You!



* See the Message of Beloved Guan Yin, 11 May 2012

Invocation before going to sleep at night
to Archangel Raphael and the Angels-Healers
(when a person needs to be healed)
28 December 2016

Archangel Raphael, I …….. (the first name)

invite, sincerely wish and ask You

to admit and settle my Soul tonight

in the healing centre that is right for me,

with those of Your Angels-Healers

who will heal me and restore my health best during my sleep

so that I wake up in good Health of my Spirit, Soul and body

and do with vigour, vitality and strength throughout the day all my deeds that are

in fulfilment of the Mission of my incarnation here and now.


And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!



Thank You, Archangel Raphael, and Thank You, Angels-Healers!

I thank You with all my heart and soul! Thank You! Thank You!